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Friday, December 11, 2009

Move On

"To be able to move on, one has to learn to forgive not only the person (or people) who have done one wrong but also oneself "
                                                                            -Eugenia Tripputi

moving on.
Scary thought
Somtimes we have to face our fear and jus do it
Its painful
Emotionally and phsically
Pain isnt really a word to describe it
Its probably the hardest obsticle you ever have to go through
So whens the right time to move on?
I'm the last person who should answer this
but in my eyes,you should move on before you continue to hurt yourself cause your constantly thinking of this 1 person
Move on before you over whelm yourself with pain,anger and sadness
Move on when you have the strength to.
Keeping your mind and hopes that youll be reconnected with something that has ended is ultimitly idiotic,it ended for a reason. Just remember the good times,and learn from the bad.Open your heart to something new,and dont hold a grudge against the world for something 1 person did.Its not their fault.Just Forgive,dont forget but Move On.lifes to short to be stuck on 1 thing,1 person,1 issue.
Move On.

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