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Friday, December 04, 2009

Fess Up

Im very open minded and im not ur usual female......
i dont think like a typical girl
i grew up with all guys so i kinda think both ways....
dont get me wrong.i mean i can never think like a guy
but im as close to it as possible
honestly i think most females are stupid and annoying
all females do is complain
why are you gonna complain about something
FIX IT if you have a problemn with it
your man keeps cheating on you?
well whos fault is that?
yours cause ur ass keeps letting him come home
and when ur stupid ass gets tha herp a derp or some std
dont be mad at him
be mad at yourself
And as much as females bitch and complain guys you stay with them...
and you tooo complain
"damn my all my girl does is nag nag nag..."
have you ever considererd that your doing something wrong???
And thats whats wrong with people these can never take the blame
your constantly blaming others for your wrong doing
the word sorry isnt in your vocab,and you think its a good thing
NEWS FLASH you can avoid so much problem by just saying sorry and taking the fault for something youuuuu did
tust me try time you argue with someone and deep down you truly know its your fault fess up to it...and apologizeee

Unborn Angel

Rain Rain Go Away.....when you go take this pain,Guide the unborn angel to heaven,dry her tears erase her fears and may she live again.....

I lost someone ive never met today,
For some reason i know i loved her,
I know she would have been an amazing person,
I know she would have grown to be a beautifull person inside and out,
For one reason or another....she was taken before she was ever born
I know shes in a better place and i know ill see her again
Maybe this just wasnt  a good time for her to enter this world
Maybe just maybe shell be back again...
and may this unborn angel rest in heaven.....

Monday, November 30, 2009

Im speaking to a wall
No one listening,painting it with my pain
slowly but surly as i pour out my heart,
the wall seems to build up,and i eventually fall apart, i tell you i love you
yet im blocked,im forgotten
wait this isnt riight im confused am i missing something?
its our cycle,break up to make up, but that last step is missing
im in phsical pain my heart is diminished,i need you to here so we can start what i finished
i no longer have a heart cause your the one in possesion
you told me something ill never forget
that youd always love me with out a regret....
its hard to explain how much i need you
love you
how much i still care
but for some reason i failed to be there,and its all my fault this i know is true
im just trying my hardest,to forget about you,
what can i say,im a victim of love,im just a fool
theres days i wake up and i cant stand hear our name together
but its not me
theres days i wake up and i hate you for your false promises....Although youve never lied to me
"when im  single i won't be single nomore"
whose to say id have my chance?
you seem so happy at a glance,
but like me you hide behind your smile,
rebound  or not she thinks she has your heart,
History repeats itself in case you dont recall,long ago
i was the wall
and you needed me
it was you and i
 but not you
and me

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving,Death,and Cancer

one word doesnt belong......
its sorta an oxy moron riight....
thanksgiving is everyone coming together
cancer and death are loved ones leaving us ....
this thanksgiving i was pulled aside and was told my grandmother has lung cancer
im the only one who knows
she tells me she wants me in charge of her body
she tells me she has everything paid for and that all i have to do is arrange it
she told me she thinks im the strongest in my family to deal with this
Earlier this year my mother was close to dying due to cancer....
and now im losing a true mother....
My brothers sheded their tears and i had to be the strong 1
im the one who kept positive....
but as selfish as it sounds whos gonna be strong for me????